Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Succss! (we think)

After a morning filled with technological defeats, we think we have replaced a Linux box with a working and activated copy of Windows XP. Moses is SO happy! We haven't cleared all of the hurdles, but this is a big one. It didn't look good earlier...

Amazingly, the Eee PC that my boss, Sam, let me take along has somehow not been thrown against the wall yet. I've reinstalled the system, ran out of room, had every device port filled and dealt with devices working sometimes and other times not. That all being SAID, though, I am writing this post on it while connected to a '236.8Kbps' Edge network connection (one of several USB modems that they have out here). Trust me - it isn't 236.8kilobits per ANYthing, but it's something.

I'm still trying to get some audio uploaded from chapel this morning, and will keep trying. The modem doesn't really like the 800kb file.

We also reinstalled the administrators laptop (Mbuvi) because he had a nasty virus on it called the 'odinga' virus. We made a fake copy of a document and brought him in to look at his 'fresh' laptop thinking that it had gotten the virus again. When he opened the document to see, he was greeted with a nice 'GOT YOU MBUVI!' Hahaha... good times...


Mom said...

Sounds like a lot of work, but I know that you are up for the challenge. Keep up the good work. Love Mom Marilyn

Sam Farsall said...

I figure, if you can put windows on Linux, you should be able to put Linux back on eeePC just as well ;-)

It is a one-to-one mathematical relationshi... never mind :-|

PCompton said...

hey guys .....sounds like you are having a really good time.....always thought going to Africa would be great....hope you have really good success with your teachings..I taught 3rd grade for 10 years....and I know how much little kids like to learn...so..God be with you and keep you safe for as long as you are there.....we do miss you both!!!!!! Take care..
Love to ya both...Pat & Dick

iris said...

Oh My...Running with the Kenyans on those uneven "roads"...soon you will be running barefooted. What a way to start your day...running ...AND...singing with the Kenyans.
Warning: They play "futbol" as if the field is made of Astro Turf...It's Not!

Darren Wilson said...

I have had fun with these guys from day one. I have come to learn a whole encyclopedia just within hours followed by days.